Building the software components from source code

A Data Generator (ADG) project uses Maven 3.0 for software builds and requires version 1.6 of the Java runtime environment. Because of the dependency of the ADG project on some ChoiceMaker components, a limited set of ChoiceMaker components should be built first (or their Maven components should be accessible from a Maven repository).

See the Maven website for general directions on installing and using Maven 3.0.

See the Java website for general directions on installing and using version 1.6 of the Java Development Kit.

Build the ChoiceMaker 3.0 shared library

svn checkout svn://

pushd choicemaker-shared

mvn install


Build the ChoiceMaker 3.0 application libraries

svn checkout svn://

pushd choicemaker-project

mvn install


Build the ADG project

svn checkout svn://

pushd adatagenerator-project

mvn install


Build the ADG examples

svn checkout svn://

pushd adatagenerator-examples

mvn install


Run the examples

See the Examples section.